Summary: We discuss how to weigh a puppy in this article. Regularly monitor the weight of your puppy. Declining or stagnating weight for a puppy could indicate more serious problems. Restricting the puppy long enough to get an accurate measurement can prove challenging.
How to Weigh a Puppy
Regularly monitor the weight of your puppy. Declining or stagnating weight for a puppy could indicate more serious problems. Restricting the puppy long enough to get an accurate measurement can prove challenging. If you have small scales and a small puppy, put a basket on the scales first and weigh it then put your small puppy in it and weigh it. Subtract the weight of the basket from the combination weight and you will have the weight of the puppy.
Be careful to make certain that the puppy is not in any danger of falling out of the basket or jumping out. Also, make sure to set the scale on the floor instead of on a table so if the puppy tips the basket over, it won’t have a very long fall compare to the height of a table which could prove extremely dangerous to any pet.
Dog Scale Review
We’ve included a photo and link to a baby scale sold at Amazon that is our favorite way for measuring puppies. This type of setup works wonderfully due to the scale’s preciseness with smaller measurements. It’s ergonomic design accommodates small animals very well and keeps them from falling off. It is the most economical and highest rated scale we’ve found! This particular model is the Salter Electronic Baby and Toddler Scale. This scale will even accommodate small breed dogs and puppies. It will report the weight of the puppy to the nearest half ounce up to 44 pounds. You can even remove the tray! It has a hold function that reports weight accurately even if the puppy is moving around. Never again will you have to wonder how to weigh a puppy.
Salter Electronic Baby and Toddler Scale
To weigh a larger dog, we suggest using a precise bathroom scale. Pick up your dog and feed him/her a treat while in your arms to try and steady the pet while standing on the scale. This should reduce movement so you can get an accurate reading. Once you have a measurement, simply subtract your weight from the gross weight of you and your pet. But this does not work so well for puppies where ounces matter!