The presence of dogs makes everything fun, especially when they tag along on your vacation. However, travelling with a dog requires a lot of preparation. Before going on a holiday with your furry family member, make sure you have got all these variables sorted to ensure a stress-free journey. Look for dog-friendly accommodation Take your time in searching for a place to stay because The Spruce...
Category - Puppy Care
How to Wean Puppies | When to Wean Puppies
Raising a litter of puppies is both rewarding and a lot of hard work. So now it is time to learn how to wean puppies. We cover some of the basics regarding 'how to wean puppies' and suggest two options for replacing mother's milk in the puppy's 2nd stage.
Dog Toothpaste: Can I Use Human Toothpaste for My Dog?
Believe it or not dogs have their own toothpaste! Why you may ask dont they just use ours? The answer to that is that it is too hard to teach a dog to spit!
Puppy Temperature Taking: How to Take the Temperature of a Puppy
'How do I take my puppy's temperature and what temperature should it be?' We attempt to answer this question.
Dog Itching: How to Stop Dog Itching
Does your dog scratch and itch incessantly? Are you fit to be tied because you've tried everything to stop the itching? We have come across a great product to help treat this problem.
Dog Whelping Box | Dog Birthing Box
What is really necessary for a whelping box? Do you really need to purchase an elaborate setup or can there be a simple solution? Obviously, purchased whelping boxes are designed for the dog birthing process and can make your job easier and your mom-dog more comfortable.
Puppy Teething Training: How to Stop a Puppy from Chewing on Everything
You love your new puppy. He is the highlight of your day! Hes cute and fun. He plays, sleeps, eats, and, oh yeah, chews on EVERYTHING. But dont despair, chewing is natural and essential to your puppy's growth. Lets just get him to chew on the right things instead of your furniture and your husband's slippers.
Dehydrated Puppies: My Puppies aren’t Getting Enough Milk (Dog Not Producing Enough Milk)
Knowing how to tell if your puppy needs additional milk beyond what the nursing dog can give is an important item to be aware of during the nursing stage. We cover warning signs of puppy dehydration and how to handle this situation.
What Should I Feed My Puppy? | Tips and Ideas
"Organic vs. store bought dog food or do I just need to have a variation in my new puppy's diet?" Or maybe you are asking, "I'd like to change the puppy's dog food because I really don't like the type that the breeder was using." What do you think I should do?
How to Weigh a Puppy | Weighing a Puppy
We discuss how to weigh a puppy in this article. Regularly monitor the weight of your puppy. Declining or stagnating weight for a puppy could indicate more serious problems. Restricting the puppy long enough to get an accurate measurement can prove challenging.
Dog Worming: How to Worm a Dog or Puppy
Puppies regularly need to be treated for worms after they are 6-8 weeks old. Intestinal worms and parasites are extremely common in dogs and puppies. In fact, most puppies are born with them.
Puppy Spaying: Spaying a Female Puppy
What is the process for having my female puppy spayed? Why should I have her spayed? We attempt to answer these questions.
Coprophagia Treatment: How to Stop a Dog From Eating Poop!
'My puppy is eating feces, will he grow out of it?' Believe it or not, this is more common than you may think.
Why Does My Puppy Eat Grass? | Puppy Eating Grass
A common question that is still a mystery is 'Why does my puppy eat grass?' Will it hurt him or her? We attempt to point out what dangers there are with your puppy eating grass.
Dog Toothbrush Reviews: Shopping for a Puppy Toothbrush?
Before you purchase a toothbrush, read our suggestions on what type of toothbrush to start out with for your puppy.
Dog Tooth brushing: How To Brush Dog Teeth?
You've bought the toothbrush and beef flavored tooth paste, but now you aren't quite sure where to begin. No worry, we explain how to brush dog teeth.
Puppy Vaccinations
Puppies are very susceptible to life threatening diseases that can easily be prevented with vaccinations. Simple prevention through proper puppy vaccinations is a necessity.
How to Select a Veterinarian -17 Tips
We have found that Veterinarians are only as good as their experience and education. Numerous times we have taken a dog to a vet to have one diagnosis and then to another to have a completely different diagnosis or recommendation. We provide a 17 tips on how to select a veterinarian.
Chocolate is Dangerous for Puppies
Have you ever thought, 'I bet my puppy would love to taste some sweet chocolate.' Well, think again. We explain the danger behind this thought.