
AskABreeder.com: A community dedicated to helping foster responsible dog breeders. Our goal is NOT to increase the number of dogs through irresponsible dog breeding, but to help create a community where dog breeders can ask more experienced dog breeders about questions they may have on puppy whelping, mating dogs, or other related dog issues.

Visit our Dog Community Forums where you can ask a breeder questions on advice, tips, suggestions, and information from around the world for your dog or puppy-related questions. Or check out our online dog breeding articles organized by topic in our left navigation bar.

Or try out our famous ‘Dog Pregnancy Calculator’ which has become very popular. You must know when your dogs mated though. No more trying to count the days until puppies arrive!

If you are a responsible dog breeder, we would like to include you in our Free Dog Breeder Directory. You must have a website to be included. Also, we will visit your dog breeding site to make sure it is a quality site before posting in our directory (so don’t bother submitting if you have pictures of dogs in cages!).

We have recently had requests for adding a Forum Topic for Dog Breeder Complaints. We felt it is only fair for mistreated puppies to have a voice. Please keep complaints professional and accurate. If the dog breeder would like to respond to a complaint, feel free to do so in the forum.