Bringing home your new dog

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  • #94

    Just a couple things I have learned from my dog trainer:

    When you bring home your new dog, here are some great things to keep in mind. First thing, take your dog on a long walk, at least 30 minutes. If you already have a dog or two, after you have taken your new dog on a walk, then take both or all three on a walk together (about 15 minutes should do). This will allow you to develop a relationship with your dog first, and then allow your dogs to develop a relationship relative to you.

    Be sure you and all people ALWAYS walk in the door, out the door, up or down the stairs FIRST! Dogs should walk through last. It’s essential to show that people are in charge.

    When you introduce your dog to the house, keep him/her on a leash for the first day (at least). Immediately take your dog outside to the area you want him/her to use the bathroom. When your dog urinates or defecates, praise him. Take him out to that spot every 20 minutes to two hours (depending on age).

    Only give your new dog (and old dogs) praise when he/she does something for you. Ask her to sit, shake, lay down, come, etc before offering affection. If you do this, your dog will love you and be better behaved.

    If you establish what you want from the start, it’s easier to maintain good behavior.

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  • Author
    • #311

      We babysat a dog for a friend and she had several accidents in our house. We are bringing home a new puppy (3 months old) in a couple days. Is there anything we can do to help our new dog realize that just because someone else did it, it doesn’t mean she can too…?

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