Dame Producing Enough Milk?

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    Our Gracie’s last litter was a breeze, she circuled a few times, whimpered, laid down and pushed out a puppy, then a puppy every hour after that until there were five.

    This litter? wow. She was bred 7/5th and 7/7th and then a surprising breeding all up to the sire and dam on the 14th.

    The first due date came and went (9/4) and nothing, ok, she didn’t breed on the 5th. Then the second due date came and went, hmm, should we worry? her temperature is dropping, why isn’t she having the puppies? We recalculate. If she ovulated very late and was actually only bred on the 14th … why is she due with 10 puppies? Last litter she was bred once and she had five puppies, this time she was bred on the 5th and 7th and we could disregard the 14th … but is that really what happened? It’s the 9th, past two due dates, have we miscalculated or is there a problem?

    She’s easy going and calm and is now at 10 wks too. She’s eating, pickally but eating. She is uncomfortable of course. We had an ultrasound done on the 4th, everybody is fine. She has a speck of brown discharge but no labor.

    has anyone a story like this before? We are alarmed but the vet has told us not to worry the discharge is not enough to do a c-section.

    any help?


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