Dog Bites

  • Creator
  • #81

    What can I do to avoid dog bites? What can I do if my dog bites someone? It seems to be in the media everywhere.

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  • Author
    • #222

      Training, training, training. Socialization, socialization, socialization. How old is your dog or puppy? Is it exhibiting any traits of aggression? If it is a puppy, all puppies go through a biting stage and how to solve that is to scream “ouch” in a high-pitched voice and stop playing and ignore the puppy for a little while OR if the puppy is chewing on you then replace your arm, foot, etc with a toy and get the puppy to play with that instead. That tells it toys are ok but body parts are not. Don’t spank the puppy becuase that can cause a fear of hands which in turn turns into fear aggression which leads to adults biting. Remember, dogs aren’t born wanting to bite people, they bite because they are scared and that it what they feel will make them look mean and tough to protect themselves. Some breeds are more prone to this than others but that means you have to take on the responsibility of more training and socialization.

      Here’s an article to read:

      • #240

        I have a large breed dog. He weighs about 90 lb. He is neutered, and behaves wonderfully around people. However… when we are on walks or at the park, if he sees any type of animal he changes attitudes. He won’t listen. He pulls on the lead. It’s horrible! He’s not growling, but he is trying to dominate the other dogs. As far as cats and squirrels, he just wants to smell. He won’t hurt them. I am worried he is going to cause a fight when we come across another dog that wants to dominate. Any ideas?

      • #230

        I agree. Hitting your dog just makes it worse. I have heard that another good way to stop biting is to get yourself and your children in obedience classes. This way he realizes that PEOPLE in general are the pack leaders and he is the follower. Also, only discipline your dog if you catch him IN THE ACT. If you come home to find he has chewed up something, it’s too late to punish.

        • #235

          I took my dog to an obedience class. We were there for one hour. The nipping has stopped completely. She no longer tries to nip at my kids. It was amazing. No hitting, no hurting at all. The dog trainer showed us how to stop her from “targeting” our kids. Whenever she stares too intently at the kids, if we are close enough, we give her a quick tap with our fingers on her neck or ribs. If we are not close enough, we just make a yipping sound and she’ll turn her head. It breaks the concentration immediately. She is doing so well. It’s all about consistency, and willingness to learn what the trainer has to say. (e.g. dogs are not children, they don’t think like people, they act and react like animals). Discipline is not harmful to your dog. It makes your dog more comfortable and confident in your house and around you.

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