3 females wont get pregnant

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    3 females wont get pregnant
    Hi, I have 3 female mastiffs. Two of them are full sisters. The both went into heat at the same time (3rd cycle) and so I tried to breed them to a male both naturally and through AI.
    A couple days after the breeding took place both of my females got hot spots on thier backs and began looseing fur. Eventually about 3 weeks later it was fully cleared up, unfortunately, niether female became pregnant.
    On there next heat, I bred one of them too the same male and the other one to a different male. BOTH MALES were proven to produce pups in the past. Niether of them got rashes and niether of them became pregnant. I tried breeding the female who had been bred to the same male both times one more time with a new male. Her sister I did not breed that time because she didn’t go into heat at the same time as her sister this time. Her sister went into heat early at just 4 months.
    At exactly 63 days the female went into labour. She was swollen and built milk. She delivered one sac…..NO PUP! (figure that one out?..I was there the entire time?)
    After that I sent her to a pet home. Her sister was just bred again through AI to the very first male who had since got one of the breeders females pregnant with one pup…..She is now my 3rd female. She built milk, did not swell in her stomach and did not have any pups.
    I gave up thinking there must be some genetic problem as they were both sisters.
    Now recently it came time to breed my 3rd female. She was bred to a completely different male who had just produced a litter of 5 pups….(All males were from the same kennel)
    She did not get a rash, did not produce milk, no swelling and….no friggen pups?
    I totally need some serious help. PLEASE!!!!!!!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by AvatarJohn.
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