Baylake Doodles

  • Creator
  • #180

    Baylake Doodles
    I made a visit to Baylake last year and met the prospective parents of a puppy that was to be born in December,2009. I put a deposit down for a puppy from the litter. Communication was a problem from the beginning and I should have gone with my gut instinct that something was wrong. I found out on the website that the puppies were born much later than they were supposed to be born. I had been checking by email with the breeder and she kept stating “any day.” That went on for 3 weeks. Another red flag that they really didn’t know when they were due. I emailed the breeder and asked if one of the 5 pups was mine. She wrote back that yes, due to a cancellation!! Five days later I got an email that the puppies had all died from an infection transmitted by the Mother. She emailed that the Mother of that dog was being bred and there would be puppies in late Feb. I checked and checked and once again I saw on the website that 3 puppies were born and all sold! I tried to call and the voicemail was always full. Meanwhile I found a wonderful breeder and received the most beautiful puppy in the world in late April. I wrote a letter requesting my deposit back from Baylake. There was no response so I wrote a second letter requesting my deposit back due to the deaths of the puppies and I had gone in another direction. I had no response from either letter. I have since found out I probably was very lucky that I did not get a dog from this breeder. I would love to have my deposit back but more than that I want other people out there looking for a puppy to be very careful and avoid this breeder.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by AvatarJohn.
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  • Author
    • #489

      Unfortunately there are some Customers that you can please and when you have a Loss of some Pups in a litter
      they assume you have not told them the truth and this is unfortunate Last year was a difficult yr with losing this litter and 2 adult dogs in an accident

      We stand behind out reputation for Great Healthy Pups Good References by the numbers lots of Repeat Customers
      so if someone is un happy about a deposit they should realize t hey where offered another puppy from another
      litter that is in the Contract

      The Customer can have up to yr to decide on different litter I assume they did not want to wait

      Its only fair that we at Bay Lake Doodles have the opportunity to Respond to any negative Post written about us

      After 20 some odd years ,we have lots and lots of Loyal and dedicated buyers that own 2 3 and 4 of Our Doodles
      and Labs and Poodles

      I Welcome any Post or any comment to check out our reputation and write me

      I SAID NO OF COURSE, AS we have nothing to hide if an upset customer wants to post something about us

      check out our long standing references


      Marcia Mobley
      Marcia Mobley

    • #488

      and has lots of great ref and maybe you should call her and talk to her

    • #487

      I have two doodles and she has lots of buyers that love her dogs so if she lost a litter I would not fault her at all
      good breeders do loose pups maybe you should write her again she keeps pretty bz day going and IMO she has celebrities and pups all over US and World so maybe it was bad timing for you
      But I know her and like her alot She was first Doodle breeder in Florida

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