Pitbull is on Day 65 of Pregnancy

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    Pitbull is on Day 65 of Pregnancy
    This is my first time mating my 5-yr old pitbull. She mated on September 15th – putting her 63-day due date on November 17th. Last Friday (13th) she began panting and digging in her whelping box. But, we had nothing else happen. Yesterday she was very active and playful. This morning she had slight shaking, so I let her out to use the bathroom. I then left for an hour and came back. She did not come to the door like normal, she was just laying on her 1st floor bed looking at me (she has a bed on each floor). She’s not following me around like normal. Her temp. is 98.7. She’s been hanging out in her whelping box with her head under the blanket. I first thought she may be having a phantom pregnancy; but, now I’m wondering what’s going on. I can’t get her to the vet until tomorrow. She is not panting. She has milk and has gained 11 lbs. (12% of her normal body weight). Any help, please??? Thank you!

    p.s. – I have wonderful, loving homes within family and friends for the puppies. They will NOT go to an abusive or violent situation.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by AvatarJohn.
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