• Creator
  • #74

    Rawhide treats for dogs seem to be EVERYWHERE! We are encouraged to give rawhide treats to our dogs and most dogs love them. It does offer them something to chew on besides your shoes or carpet… however, what most people don’t know is that rawhide treats are VERY dangerous to your dog! All dogs want to chew. Even adult dogs. They enjoy it. I used to think rawhide was a great solution, but now, I am not so sure! I did some research and talked with my vet, and I found out some scary stuff about rawhide dog treats, and other dog chews. Below are some of the things I learned from other websites and my vet, as well as my dog trainer.

    Salmonella bacteria is often present especially if the rawhide comes from outside the US. Another problem is arsenic used as a preservative. Yes, arsenic! Other dangerous additives can include antibiotics, (which can kill good bacteria in your dogs intestines) lead, and insecticides. Some countries like Thailand even include pieces of dog and cat skin in these rawhide treats. Health problems from rawhide chews can included sore throat, acute pancreatitis, choking, and intestinal blockage.

    You know your dog. You know if something is wrong. If you notice any of these signs, watch him/her closely. If the symptoms persist, perhaps you should take your dog to the vet. Symptoms possibly include the following:

    * Vomiting (self explanatory)

    * Not eating (again, self explanatory)

    * Painful abdomen, hunched appearance

    * You know how you walk when your gastrointestinal tract isn’t quite right, a dog will also walk slowly and
    hunch it’s back a little.

    * Fever or below-normal body temperature

    * Diarrhea – Dogs get diarrhea for many reasons. Usually it’s because they ate something they shouldn’t have. Sometimes it could be due to the change in dog food. It’s good to introduce a new brand of dog food slowly.

    * Depression-you know your dog.

    * Dehydration (diagnosed by sunken eyes, dry mouth and the skin “tents” when pinched)

    Rawhide Treat Alternatives

    If you must give your dog rawhide, offer it in limited quantity, under supervision, and throw away small chewed-down pieces. Always watch your dog carefully for any adverse reactions. We just don’t use rawhide at all anymore. I would rather give my dog something I know she can eat safely than have to watch her like a hawk every time she wants to chew on something. Make sure you do offer something for him/her to chew on. As I said before, dogs enjoy chewing. As I have researched, I have found that if you really want to give your dog rawhide, use only products made in the U.S.A. Meaty Bone Dog Treats from Amazon are a great alternative to Rawhide. This product still cleans their teeth without the risks of rawhide. Another option would be the Smokehouse USA 100% Natural Meaty Mammoth Bone From Amazon which is a tasty beef bone will keep your dog busy for hours. This 100% natural dog bone has been slow roasted and smoked for maximum flavor. Although not for small breeds, it is perfect for medium and large breed dogs. It also qualifies for Free Super Saver Shipping on Amazon!

    More Tips

    We all love to indulge our 4-legged friends but our foods don’t always agree with them. Here are some things you might want to steer clear of:

    1) Chocolate

    2) Rich, fatty foods

    3) Dairy products

    4) Rawhides, cow hooves, & pigs’ ears

    5) Onions

    6) Alcoholic beverages

    7) Over-eating in general

    Of course, talk to your vet and see if he/she has the same concerns with Rawhide Chews and Rawhide Treats. Ask what he/she recommends. Every dog is different and may require different vitamins and foods.

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  • Author
    • #471

      Sorry about the late response, but this discussion has me a little concerned. My dog, Chipper, is 6 years old and he’s been chewing on rawhide for as long as I can remember. Although he’s not exhibiting any ill symptoms, I now worry about the long term use of these chewies. What vets have said “yay” and what have said “nay” to rawhide? Perhaps I can find a vet that can clarify why? Thanks, everybody!

    • #464

      Thanks for the information

    • #446

      I came home from work yesterday and it smelled really terrible in my living room. upon investigating I came across an odd bone I’d never seen before, with a joint kind of. When my boyfriend came home later that evening he informed me that our 1 year old pup Emma had found a treat on their walk that morning… (they walk at least a half hour each am in the woods near our house.) so he let her keep it. And she ate what I gather to be most of it during the day… apparently it was pretty large when she found it. As you said in the original topic, we know our dogs, and I know my Emma. just one evening later I could tell she was a little off. Dull slightly sunken eyes, kind of depressed, sticky mouth, and a slightly dull coat. Also, for the first time in as long as I can remember she had a pee accident in the house, and it happened right by her food/water area. So I gathered she maybe was dehydrated, and offered her a new clean water. not interested. then an ice cube, again, a couple licks then not interested. Next I prepared a weak beef broth, and she finally drank it up, maybe 16 ounces. a half hour later, a little more, this time a weaker broth. then an hour later or so, a half can of wet puppy food with water and a couple kibbles… she scarfed that down. Her eyes are looking better, and her overall appearance has improved. she’s had a pee and poop outside… so to get to the point, (sorry this is so long winded!) is a natural bone from a dead animal (decomposed to the point of looking store bought for a dog) a super dangerous no no? I’d imagine bacteria, and creepy crawly icky things are happening there… but I can’t imagine what else??? all I can really say is I’m worried for my baby, and curious what anyone might know about this. I will closely monitor her for any changes, and take her to the animal E.R. immediately if it’s necessary. Also, tomorrow morning I’m going to get her pedialyte, which I read is a good thing to replenish electrolytes. please please please feel free to set me straight if I’m wrong about anything, and if you could shed some knowledge on any of my questions, I’d appreciate it!

    • #396

      We just learned about cow tendons. My dog loves them, and they don’t have the same appearance or texture as rawhide. They do smell when you first take them out of their plastic wrap…

    • #336

      Rawhide is probably the most popular type of chewing device that dogs enjoy. Go to any pet supply store or any store that sells pet supplies and you will find an abundance of rawhide chews in every size, shape and color. Unfortunately, some types of rawhide could be dangerous for your pet. Learn about rawhide dangers and how you can prevent any unnecessary harm to your dog.

      Any dog owner knows how much puppies and adult dogs chew. They chew on slippers, carpet, furniture, walls, etc. To prevent the ultimate destruction of their homes, they run out and buy gobs of chew toys for their dogs. A large percentage of what they buy will be rawhide.

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Avatarskbrdr.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by AvatarJohn.
    • #332

      Rawhide treats offer many benefits. They are relatively cheap, dogs enjoy them, and they help with overall teeth and gum health. Multiple shapes and sizes are available, so the right type can be found for any dog, toy breeds and large working dogs alike. Because of these benefits – and the relatively low number of cases where dogs have been injured – many owners often give rawhide treats to their dogs.

    • #246

      If all those things are bad for my dog, what can I give her?


      • #247

        I have heard and read that feeding your dog raw bones are the best. Cooked bones can splinter and be ingested. The only thing is… life is full of danger. All kinds of bad things happen. You know your dog the best, just listen to your instincts and be informed.

    • #229

      I had no idea. I sure hope more people read about this.

      • #242

        Often times when you think you are buying rawhide made in America, it really isn’t made here, it’s just packaged here. Also, even if it really is made in America, it’s still not good to give rawhide bones to your dog EVER! Try typing rawhide bones danger in your web search engine. You’ll be shocked by what you read. The way rawhide is made is not healthy for anyone/thing to ingest. But also beware of pigs ears, cow hooves, cow tails, lamb ears, and other similar products.


        • #245

          My vet says NO RAWHIDE at all. In fact Greenies are just as bad. As are pigs ears, and cow hooves. One thing my vet recommends is to put whatever chew treat you want to feed your dog in a bowl of water. If the chew toy turns to mush (overnight), it’s probably okay to feed to your dog. If it doesn’t, it could cause lots of problems. I’m not sure about meaty bones. I see other people here have been giving them to their dogs, but I think it could cause problems if they break off a sharp piece it could cause lacerations. Just something to think about.

          • #309

            There are many dog treat recipes you can use. However, we have had dogs FOREVER and we give them rawhide. We’ve never had a problem…

          • #477

            Not all rawhide is bad for your dog. There are some rawhide products out there that can actually be great for your dog to chew on.

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